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Outstanding Seniors Recognized for Leadership, Service and More

The Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering was well represented at the College of Engineering awards event on April 26, 2022.

Daniel Haller won the Outstanding Senior for Scholarly Achievement award. Haller recently received an NSF GRFP fellowship and plans to join the PhD program at Rice University in the fall.

Emily Spero was the CBE nominee for Outstanding Senior for Leadership. Emily was the president of the NC State chapter of AIChE in 2021. After graduation, Emily will relocate to San Francisco to work at  Genentech in their Process Development Rotational Program.

Abigail Cordiner was nominated as CBE’s Outstanding Senior for Citizenship and Service and Sam Revak was recognized as CBE’s Outstanding Senior for Humanities. Abigail will pursue a PhD in chemical engineering at the University of Wisconsin at Madison.

The CBE community congratulates these and all of our seniors.