Sep 26, 2016
Congratulations to the AIChE student chapter for being awarded a 2015-2016 AIChE Outstanding Student Chapter Award. This is the chapter’s 21st Outstanding Student Chapter Award (marking the 19th award in…
Sep 2, 2016
Dr. Kenneth Mineart (PhD ‘2016) was selected as the winner of the 2016 Eastman Chemical Student Award in Applied Polymer Science from the American Chemical Society (ACS). His selection for…
Aug 18, 2016
On May 19th, Dr. Joe DeSimone received the National Medal of Technology and Innovation from President Barack Obama. The medal is the Nation’s highest honor for achievement and leadership in…
Aug 15, 2016
Over the past year, five new faculty members have joined the CBE faculty ranks. All are assistant professors and all have established themselves as outstanding researchers in pioneer areas of…
Jul 11, 2016
Dr. Michael Dickey and his research group have made many advances in understanding the properties and behavior of a certain class of liquid gallium alloys. The group pioneered creating the…