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(Revised March 09)

1. 1969 R.G.Carbonell, E.F. Leonard and L. Theodore, The Modelling and Simulation of a New Artificial Kidney, Proceedings of 23rd Ann. Conf. of Engr. in Medicine and Biology, 292.
2. 1972 R.G. Carbonell and M.D. Kostin, Enzyme Kinetics and Engineering, AIChE Journal, 18, 1-13.
3. 1973 R.G. Carbonell and M.D. Kostin, Tunneling Phenomena in Three Dimensional Double-well Potentials, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 7, 319-332.
4. 1974 R.G. Carbonell and M.D. Kostin, Quantum Mechanics of Transfer Reactions, Journal of Chemical Physics, 60, 2047-2049.
5. 1974 R.G. Carbonell and M.D. Kostin, Time-Dependent Probability Density of Statistical Physics, Journal of Statistical Physics, 11, 379-390.
6. 1975 M.A.Paine and R.G. Carbonell, Immobilization of  b – Galactosidase  in Collodion Microcapsules, Biotechnology & Bioengineering, 17, 617-619.
7. 1975 R.M. Morrow, R.G. Carbonell and B.J. McCoy, Electrostatic and Hydrophobic Effects in Affinity Chromatography, Biotechnology & Bioengineering, 17, 895-914.
8. 1975 R.G. Carbonell, Enzyme Engineering, California Engineer, April/May, 28-31.
9. 1975 R.G. Carbonell and B.J. McCoy, Moment Theory of Chromatographic Separations: Resolution and Optimization, The Chemical Engineering Journal, 9, 115-124.
10. 1975 D.T. Wadiak and R.G. Carbonell, Kinetic Behavior of Microencapsulated b – Galactosidase, Biotechnology & Bioengineering, 17, 1157-1181.
11. 1975 R.G. Carbonell, Mass Transfer in Coiled Tubes, Biotechnology & Bioengineering, 17, 1383-1385.
12. 1975 D.T. Wadiak and R.G. Carbonell, Effectiveness Factors for Substrate and Product Inhibition, Biotechnology & Bioengineering, 17, 1761-1773.
13. 1975 R.G. Carbonell and M.D. Kostin, Oscillations in Transfer Reactions, Chem. Phys. Lett., 38, 576-674.
14. 1976 R.G. Carbonell  and B.J. McCoy, Induction and Transient Times in Chemical Reactions: Application  to O2 Dissociation, Phys. of Fluids, 19, 1721-1726.
15. 1976 A.K. Wong,  B.J. McCoy and R.G. Carbonell, Theory of Capillary Chromatography: Effect of Coiling and Interphase Mass Transfer, J. of Chromatography, 129, 1-18.
16. 1977 A.K. Wong,  B.J. McCoy and R.G. Carbonell, Master Equation Theory for Steady State Chemical Reactions: Dissociation of Diatomic Molecules in Gases, J. Chem. Phys., 66, 4564-4571.
17. 1977 B.J. McCoy and R.G. Carbonell, Equation for the Rate Constant for Dissociation of Diatomic Molecules in Gases, Chemical Physics, 20, 227-232.
18. 1977 R.G. Carbonell and M.D. Kostin, Quantum Tunnelling and Activated Complex Theory, Physics Letters, 64A, 1-5.
19. 1977 D.N. Dean, M.J. Fuchs, J.M. Schaffer and R.G. Carbonell, Batch Absorption of CO2 by Free and Microencapsulated Carbonic Anhydrase, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Fundamentals, 16, 452-458.
20. 1978 R.G. Carbonell and B.J. McCoy, Axial Dispersion Models for Steady-State Laminar, Open-Tube Systems, Chemical Engineering Communications, 2, 189-195.
21. 1978 B.J. McCoy and R.G. Carbonell, Letter on Moment Methods in Chromatography, AIChE Journal, 24, 159-160.
22. 1978 M.S. Razavi,  B.J. McCoy and R.G. Carbonell, Moment Theory of Break-through Curves for Fixed-Bed Adsorbers and Reactors, The Chemical Engineering Journal, 16, 211-222.
23. 1979 M. Herskowitz, R.G. Carbonell and J.M. Smith, Effectiveness Factors and Mass Transfer in Trickle-Bed Reactors, AIChE Journal, 25, 272-283. (109 citations)
24. 1979 R.G. Carbonell and B.J. McCoy, Tunnelling and Transport Problems for a Quantum Mechanical Brownian Particle, Journal of Statistical Physics, 21, 301-311.
25. 1979 R.G. Carbonell,  Dispersion in Oil Shale Retorts: Effect of Particle Size Distribution and Flow Non-Uniformities, Proceedings of 14th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Boston, August 6-10, 1979, 968-972.
26. 1979 R.G. Carbonell, Effect of Pore Size Distribution and Flow Segregation on Dispersion in Porous Media, Chem. Engr. Sci., 34, 1031-1039
27. 1979 L.A. Nguyen Ly, R.G. Carbonell and B.J. McCoy, Diffusion of Gases Through Surfactant Films: Interfacial Resistance to Mass Transfer, AIChE Journal, 25, 1015-1024.
28. 1980 R.G. Carbonell, Flow Non-Uniformities in Packed Beds: Effect on Dispersion, Chem. Engr. Sci., 35, 1347-1356.
29. 1980 C.T. Chang, B.J. McCoy and R.G. Carbonell, Hydrophobic Chromatography of b-Galactosidase, Biotechnology & Bioengineering, 22, 377-399. (7 citations)
30. 1980 R.G. Carbonell, Effect of Particle Size Distribution and Flow Non-Uniformities on Dispersion in Porous Media: Application to Oil Shale Retorts, in T. Veziroglu, Ed., Proceedings of 2nd Multiphase Flow and Heat Transfer Symposium Miami, 1979, pp. 2379-2405.
31. 1980 D. Ryan, R.G. Carbonell, S. Whitaker, Effective Diffusivities for Catalyst Pellets Under Reactive Conditions, Chem. Engr. Sci., 35, 10-16.
32. 1980 R.G. Carbonell, An In-situ Process to Retrieve Oil from Shale, Engineering Progress, UCD, Fall, 1980, p. 11-13.
33. 1981 D. Ryan, R.G. Carbonell and S. Whitaker, A Theory of Diffusion and Reaction in Porous Media, AIChE Symposium Series, No. 202, Vol. 77, Ed. by P. Stroeve and W.J. Ward, pp. 46-62.
34. 1982 R.G. Carbonell, Transport Processes in Spatially Periodic Systems, Proceeding of the International Symposium of Pure and Applied Chemistry, 28th Macromolecular Symposium, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, July 12-16, 1982, p. 741.
35. 1983 M.A. Paine, R.G. Carbonell and S. Whitaker, Dispersion in Pulsed Systems. Part I: Heterogeneous Reaction and Reversible Adsorption in Capillary Tubes, Chem. Engr. Sci., 38, 1781-1793.
36. 1983 R.G. Carbonell and S. Whitaker, Dispersion in Pulsed Systems, Part II: Theoretical Developments for Porous Media, Chem. Engr. Sci., 38, 1795- 1802.
37. 1983 A. Eidsath, R.G. Carbonell, S. Whitaker and L.R. Herrmann, Dispersion in Pulsed Systems, Part III: Comparison of Theory and Experiment for Dispersion in Packed Beds, Chem. Engr. Sci., 38, 1803-1816.
38. 1984 R.G. Carbonell and S. Whitaker, Heat and Mass Transfer in Porous Media, in Fundamentals of Transport in Porous Media, Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on the Mechanics of Fluids in Porous Media, July 18-27, 1982, J. Bear and Y. Corapcioglu, Editors, Martinus Mijhoff, BV, The Netherlands, pp. 121-198.
39. 1984 F. Zanotti and R.G. Carbonell, Development of Transport Equations for Multi-phase Systems. Part I: General Development for Two-Phase Systems, Chem. Engr. Sci., 39, 263-278.
40. 1984 F. Zanotti and R.G. Carbonell, Development of Transport Equations for Multi-phase Systems. Part II: Application to One-Dimensional Axi-Symmetric Flows of Two Phases, Chem. Engr. Sci., 39, 279-297.
41. 1984 F. Zannotti and R.G. Carbonell, Development of Transport Equations for Multi-phase Systems. Part III: Application to Heat Transfer in Packed Beds, Chem. Engr. Sci., 39, 299-311.
42. 1984 B.J. McCoy and R. G. Carbonell, Schrodinger-Langevin Theory for Quantum Tunneling Through a Barrier, Phys. Rev. A., 29, 399-400.
43. 1984 J. Levec, A.E. Sáez and R.G. Carbonell, Holdup and Pressure Drop in Trickle Bed Reactors, IChemE Symposium Series, No. 87, ISCRE 8, Eigth International Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering, Edinburgh, Scotland, Sept. 10-13, 1984, Institution of Chemical Engineers.
44. 1984 R.G. Carbonell and S. Whitaker, Adsorption and Reaction at a Catalytic Surface: The Quasi-Steady Condition, Chem. Engr. Sci., 39, 1319-1321.
45. 1985 A.E. Sáez and R.G. Carbonell, Hydrodynamic Parameters for Gas-Liquid Cocurrent Flow in Packed Beds, AIChE Journal, 31, 52-62.
46. 1985 N. Han, J. Bhakta, and R.G. Carbonell, Longitudinal and Lateral Dispersion in Packed Beds: Effect of Column Length and Particle SizeDistribution, AIChE Journal, 31, 277-288.
47. 1985 J. Levec and R.G. Carbonell, Longitudinal and Lateral Thermal Dispersion in Packed Beds. Part I: Theory, AIChE Journal, 31, 581-590.
48. 1985 J. Levec and R.G. Carbonell,  Longitudinal and Lateral Thermal Dispersion in Packed Beds. Part II: Comparison Between Theory and Experiment, AIChE Journal, 31, 591-602.
49. 1985 I. Nozad, R.G. Carbonell, and S. Whitaker, Heat Conduction in Multiphase Systems I: Theory and Experiment for Two-Phase Systems, Chem. Engr. Sci., 40, 843-855.
50. 1985 I. Nozad, R.G. Carbonell, and S. Whitaker, Heat Conduction in Multiphase Systems II: Experimental Method and Results for Three-Phase Systems, Chem. Engr. Sci., 40, 857-863.
51. 1985 A.E. Sáez and R.G. Carbonell, On the Performance of Quadrilateral Finite Elements in the Solution to the Stokes Equations for Periodic Structures, Internal Journal of Numerical Methods in Fluids, 5, 601-614.
52. 1986 A.E. Sáez, R.G. Carbonell and J. Levec, The Hydrodynamics of Trickling Flow in Packed Beds, Part I: Conduit Models,  AIChE Journal, 32, 353-368. (29 citations)
53. 1986 J. Levec, A.E. Sáez, and R.G. Carbonell, The Hydrodynamics of Trickling Flow in Packed Beds, Part II: Experimental Observations, AIChE Journal, 32, 369-380.
54. 1986 G.C. Sarti, C. Gostoli, G. Riccioli and R.G. Carbonell, Transport of Swelling Penetrants in Glassy Polymers: Influence of Convection, J. Appl. Polymer Sci., 32, 3627-3647.
55. 1986 R.Z. Guzman, R.G. Carbonell and P.K. Kilpatrick, The Adsorption of Proteins to Gas-Liquid Interfaces, J. Colloid and Interface Sci., 114, 536-547.
56. 1986 R.G. Carbonell, Plenary Lecture: Transport in Multiphase Systems, Proceedings of  5th Yugoslavian-Austrian-Italian Chemical Engineering Conference, Portoroz, Yugoslavia, September 16-18, 1986.
57. 1987 A.E. Sáez and R.G. Carbonell, The Equilibrium Shape and Stability of Menisci Formed Between Two Touching Cylinders, J. Fluid Mechanics, 176, 357-378.
58. 1987 M.A. Young, R.G. Carbonell and D.F. Ollis, Non-Newtonian Broths in Airlift Bioreactors, in Biotechnology Processes: Scale-up and Mixing, C.S.Ho and J.Y. Oldshue, Eds., AIChE, New York, 1987, pp. 45-50.
59. 1987 S.G. Kim, R.G. Carbonell and P.K. Kilpatrick, Calculation of Electrostatic Forces Between Charged Surfaces in Ionic Solution, Proceedings of  the 10th Korean Symposium on Science and Technology, 273-279.
60. 1987 R. Guzman, D.E. Keller, J.L. Torres, P.K. Kilpatrick and R.G. Carbonell, Biospecific Interactions of Affinity Surfactants with Proteins, Biological Chemistry Hoppe-Seyler, 368, 746.
61. 1987 J.R. Hunter, R. Guzman, R.G. Carbonell and P.K. Kilpatrick, Adsorption of Proteins at Gas-Liquid Interfaces, Biological Chemistry Hoppe-Seyler, 368, 749.
62. 1987 J. Levec, K. Grosser and R.G. Carbonell, The Hysteretic Behavior of Pressure Drop and Liquid Holdup in Trickle Beds, AIChE Journal, 34, 1027-1030.
63. 1988 J.L. Torres, R. Guzman, R.G. Carbonell and P.K. Kilpatrick, Affinity Surfactants as Reversibly Bound Ligands for High-Performance Affinity Chromatography, Analytical Biochemistry, 171, 411-418.
64. 1988 K. Grosser, R.G. Carbonell and S. Sundaresan, The Onset of Pulsing in Two-Phase Cocurrent Downflow Through a Packed Bed, AIChE Journal, 34, 1850-1860.
65. 1988 F. Doghieri, G.C. Sarti and R.G. Carbonell, Sorption of Penetrants in Rubbery Polymers: Coupled Effects of Concentration and Stress Field, Proceedings of the Congress on Diffusion in Polymers, Reading, UK, March 22-24, 18, 1-30.
66. 1989 B. Locke and R.G. Carbonell, A Theoretical and Experimental Study of Counteracting Chromatographic Electrophoresis, Separation and Purification Methods, 18, 1-64.
68. 1989 D.E. Keller, J.L. Torres, R.G. Carbonell and P.K. Kilpatrick, Reversible Conversion of Octadecyl-Bonded Silica to Ion Exchange Surfaces for Protein Separations, Analytical Biochemistry, 176, 191-198.
69. 1989 E. Hawkins Cwirko and R.G. Carbonell, Transport of Electrolytes in Charged Pores: Analysis Using the Method of Spatial Averaging,  J. Colloid and Interface Science, 129, 513-531.
70. 1989 R. Guzman, J. L. Torres, R.G. Carbonell and P.K. Kilpatrick, Water Soluble Non-Ionic Surfactants for Affinity Bioseparations, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 33, 1267-1276.
71. 1989 J.L. Torres, R.Guzman, R.G. Carbonell and P.K. Kilpatrick, Reversibly Bound Ligands for High Performance Affinity Chromatography: Application to Serum Cholinesterase, Colloque INSERM, J.F. Stoltz and C. Rivat, Eds 175, 245-252.
72. 1989 J.D. Powers, P.K. Kilpatrick and R.G. Carbonell, Purification of Avidin from Egg Whites Using Affinity-Modified Unilamellar Vesicles, in Biological and Synthetic Membranes, A.R. Liss, Ed., pp. 237-246.
73. 1989 R.G. Carbonell and D.J. Riley, Direct Measurement of Particle Concentration at the Solid-Liquid Interface, in 1989 Proceedings of the Institute of Environmental Sciences Annual Technical Meeting, Anaheim, CA, pp. 426-427.
74. 1990 R.Z. Guzman, P.K. Kilpatrick and R.G. Carbonell, Affinity Precipitation of Avidin Using Ligand-Modified Phospholipids in Solution, ACS Symposium Series 419, Downstream Processing and Bioseparation: Recovery and Purification of Biomolecules, J.F. Hamel, J. B. Hunter, and S. K. Sikdar, Eds. pp. 212-236.
75. 1990 E. Hawkins-Cwirko and R.G. Carbonell, A Theoretical Analysis of Donnan Dialysis Across Charged Porous Membranes, J. of Membrane Science, 48, 155-179.
76. 1990 J.R. Hunter, P.K. Kilpatrick and R.G. Carbonell, Lysozyme Adsorption at the Air-Water Interface, J. Colloid and Interface Science, 137, 462-482.
77. 1990 R. Molinari, J.L. Torres, A.S. Michaels, P.K. Kilpatrick and R.G. Carbonell, Simultaneous Ultrafiltration and Affinity Sorptive Separation of Proteins in a Hollow Fiber Membrane Module, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 36, 572-580.
78. 1990 J.D. Powers, P.K. Kilpatrick and R.G. Carbonell, Trypsin Purification by Affinity Binding to Small Unilamellar Liposomes, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 36, 506-519.
79. 1990 D.J. Riley and R.G. Carbonell, The Deposition of Liquid-Based Contaminants onto Silicon Surfaces,1990 Proceedings of the Institute of Environmental Sciences 36th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, April 23-27, pp. 224-228.
80. 1990 R.G. Carbonell and G.C. Sarti, Coupled Deformation and Mass-Transport Processes in Solid Polymers, I.and E.C. Research, 29, 1194-1204.
81. 1990 R. Donovan, A.C. Clayton, D. J. Riley and R.G. Carbonell, V.B. Menon, Investigating Particle Deposition Mechanisms on Wafers Exposed to Aqueous Baths, Microcontamination, August, 8(8), 25-29.
82. 1990 D.J. Riley and R.G. Carbonell, Investigating Liquid-Based Particle Deposition:and the Effects of Double-layer Interactions Using Hydrophilic Silicon Wafers, Microcontamination, December, 8(12), 19-27.
83. 1990 A.E. Sáez and R.G. Carbonell, The Equilibrium and Stability of Menisci between Touching Spheres under the Effect of Gravity, J. Colloid and Interface Science, 140, 408-418.
84. 1991 J.R. Hunter, P.K. Kilpatrick and R.G. Carbonell, b-Casein Adsorption at the Air/Water Interface, J. Colloid and Interface Science, 142, 429-447.
85. 1991 J.R. Hunter, R.G. Carbonell and P.K. Kilpatrick, Coadsorption and Exchange of Lysozyme/b-Casein Mixtures at the Air-Water Interface, J. Colloid and Interface Science, 143, 37-53.
86. 1991 M. Young, R.G. Carbonell and D.F. Ollis, Airlift Bioreactors: Analysis of Two-Phase Hydrodynamics, AIChE Journal, 37, 403-428.
87. 1991 K.A. Grosser, K.L. Erickson and R.G. Carbonell, Enhanced Dispersion Resulting from Solute Exchange between Phases, AIChE Journal, 37, 512-526.
88. 1991 E.J. Dougherty, M.R. Overcash and R.G. Carbonell, Diffusivity of 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin  in Organic Solvents, Hazardous Wastes and Hazardous Materials, 8, 43-53.
89. 1991 M.R. Overcash, A.L. McPeters, E.J. Dougherty and R.G. Carbonell, Diffusion 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin in Soil Containing Organic Solvents, Environ. Sci. Technol., 25, 1479-1485.
90. 1991 D. J. Riley and R.G. Carbonell, The Deposition of Contaminants from Deionized Water onto Hydrophobic Silicon Wafers, Proceedings of the Institute of Environmental Sciences 37th Annual Technical Meeting, San Diego, CA, 886-891; reprinted in Journal of the IES, 34(6), 28-34. (2 citations)
91. 1992 D. E.H. Cwirko and R.G. Carbonell, Ionic Equilibria in Ion-Exchange Membranes:A Comparison of Pore Model Predictions with Experimental Results, J. of Membrane Science, 67, 211-226.
92. 1992 E.H. Cwirko and R.G. Carbonell, Interpretation of Transport Coefficients in Nafion Using a Parallel Pore Model, J. of Membrane Science, 67, 227-247.
93. 1992 D. D. Powers, B. L. Willard, R.G. Carbonell and P.K. Kilpatrick, Affinity Precipitation of Proteins by Surfactant-Solubilized, Ligand-Modified Phospholipids, Biotechnology Progress, 8, 436-453.
94. 1992 D. J. Riley and R.G. Carbonell, Effects of Charge Reversal on Particle Deposition onto Silicon Wafers, in Proceedings of the Institute of Environmental Sciences 38th Annual Technical Meeting, Nashville, TN, pp. 450-459.
95. 1992 D.J. Riley and R.G. Carbonell, An Investigation of Liquid-Based Particle Deposition onto Semiconductor Wafers: the Role of Electrostatic Wafer/Particle Interactions, in Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Cleaning Technology in Semiconductor Device Manufacturing, J. Ruzyllo and R. Novak, Eds., pp. 223-233.
96. 1993 David E. Keller, Peter K. Kilpatrick and R.G. Carbonell, Adsorption Equilibrium and Desorption Rates of Charged Ethoxylated Surfactants on Octadecyl Silica: Role of Electrostatics, J. Colloid and Interface Science, 155, 124-136.
97. 1993 E.J. Dougherty, A.L. McPeters, M.R. Overcash and R.G. Carbonell, Theoretical Analysis of a Method for In Situ Decontamination of Soil Containing 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-Dioxin, Environmental Science and Technology, 27, 505-515.
98. 1993 R. Hariharan, B.D. Freeman, R.G. Carbonell and G.C. Sarti, Equation of State Predictions of Sorption Isotherms in Polymeric Materials, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 83, 407-414.
99. 1993 Deborah J. Riley and Ruben G. Carbonell, Mechanisms of Particle Deposition from Ultrapure Chemicals onto Semiconductor Wafers: Deposition from Bulk Liquid During Wafer Submersion, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 158, 259-273.
100. 1993 Deborah J. Riley and Ruben G. Carbonell, Mechanisms of Particle Deposition from Ultrapure Chemicals onto Semiconductor Wafers: Deposition from Bulk Liquid During Wafer Submersion, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 158, 259-273.
101. 1993 M.A. Jones, Peter K. Kilpatrick and R.G. Carbonell, Preparation and Characterization of Bifunctional Unilamellar Vesicles for Immunoadsorbent Assays, Biotechnology Progress, 9, 242-258.
102. 1993 D.J. Riley and R.G. Carbonell, The Influence of Solution Properties on the Deposition of Particles from Liquid Media onto Silicon Wafer Surfaces, in Particles in Gases and Liquids: Detection, Characterization and Control, Volume 3, K.L. Mittal, Ed., Plenum Press, New York, pp. 51-76.
103. 1993 Candis S. Claiborn, Ruben G. Carbonell and Viney P. Aneja, Transport and Fate of Reactive Trace Gases in Red Spruce Needles, Part II: Interpretations of Flux Experiments Using Gas Transport Theory, Environmental Science and Technology, 27, 2593-2605.
104. 1993 Ramesh R. Hariharan, Benny D. Freeman and Ruben G. Carbonell, Equation of State Predictions of Sorption Isotherms in Polymeric Materials, J. Applied Polymer Science, 50, 1781-1795.
105. 1993 Matthew A. Jones, Anup Singh, Ruben G. Carbonell and Peter K. Kilpatrick, Preparation and Characterization of Ligand-Modified Labelled Liposomes for Solid Phase Immunoassays, Proceedings of Conference on Liposomes as Biomimetics, Rome, Italy, June 23-26, 1993, Journal of Liposome Research, 3, 793-804.
106. 1994 M.A. Jones, Peter K. Kilpatrick and R.G. Carbonell, Competitive Immunosorbent Assay for Biotin Using Bifunctional Unilamellar Vesicles, Biotechnology Progress, 10, 174-186.
107. 1994 D. D. Powers, R.G. Carbonell and P.K. Kilpatrick, Affinity Precipitation of an Antibody by Ligand-Modified Phospholipids, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 44, 509-522.
108. 1994 E.J. Dougherty, A.L. McPeters, M.R. Overcash and R.G. Carbonell, Sorption Processes of 2,3,7,8 -Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin on Soil in the Presence of Organic Liquids, J. of Hazardous Materials, 38, 405-421.
109. 1995 A.K. Singh, Peter K. Kilpatrick and R.G. Carbonell, Non-Competitive Immunoassays Using Bifunctional Unilamellar Vesicles, Biotechnology Progress, 11, 333-341.
110. 1995 P.Y. Huang and R.G. Carbonell, Affinity Purification of Proteins Using Ligands Derived from Peptide Libraries, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 47, 288-297.
111. 1995 S.P. Beaudoin, R.G. Carbonell and C.S. Grant, Removal of Organic Films from Solid Surfaces Using Aqueous Solutions of Nonionic Surfactants I: Experiments, IEC Research, 34, 3307-3317.
112. 1995 S.P. Beaudoin, R.G. Carbonell and C.S. Grant, Removal of Organic Films from Solid Surfaces Using Aqueous Solutions of Nonionic Surfactants II: Theory, IEC Research, 34, 3318-3325.
113. 1995 F. Piacenti, R.G. Carbonell, M. Camaiti, F.E. Henon, and E. Puppichini, Protective Materials for Stone-Effects on Stone Permeability and Gas Transport, in Methods of Evaluating Products for the Conservation of Porous Building Materials in Monuments , ICCROM, Rome, pp. 373-388.
114. 1996 N.J. Lynch, P.K. Kilpatrick, and R.G. Carbonell, Aggregation of Ligand-Modified Liposomes by Specific Interactions with Proteins I: Biotinylated Liposomes and Avidin, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 50, 151-168.
115. 1996 N.J. Lynch, P.K. Kilpatrick and R.G. Carbonell, Aggregation of Ligand-Modified Liposomes by Specific Interactions with Proteins II: Biotinylated Liposomes and Anti-biotin Antibody, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 50, 169-183.
116. 1996 Li Ang Chen, George A. Serad and Ruben G. Carbonell, Protein Recovery Using Fibrous Materials,  in Biofunctional Membranes, A. Butterfield, Ed., Proceedings of International Conference on Biofunctional Membranes,Lexington, Kentucky, April 9-11, 1995, Plenum Press, NY, pp. 83-101.
117. 1996 Angela Moraes, Maria Helena Santana and Ruben G. Carbonell, Characterization of Liposomal Systems Entrapping Boron-Containing Compounds in Response to pH Gradients, in Biofunctional Membranes, A. Butterfield, Ed., Proceedings of International Conference on Biofunctional Membranes,Lexington, Kentucky, April 9-11, 1995, Plenum Press, NY, pp. 259-279.
118. 1996 A.K. Singh, P.K. Kilpatrick and R.G. Carbonell, Application of Antibody and Fluorophore-Derivatized Liposomes to Heterogeneous Immunoassays for D-Dimer, Biotechnology Progress, 12, 272-281.
119. 1996 P.Y. Huang, G.A. Baumbach, C.A. Dadd, J.A. Buettner, B.L. Masecar, M. Hentsch, D.J. Hammond and R.G. Carbonell, Affinity Purification of von Willebrand Factor Using Ligands Derived from Peptide Libraries, Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 4, 699-708.
120. 1996 A.K. Singh and R.G. Carbonell, Liposomes in Immunodiagnostics, in Handbook of Nonmedical Applications of Liposomes, from Gene Delivery and Diagnostics to Ecology, Volume IV, Edited by D. D. Lasic and Y. Barenholz, CRC Press, New York, 209-228.
121. 1996 Matthew A. Jones, Peter K. Kilpatrick and Ruben G. Carbonell, Competitive Immunosorbent Assays Using Ligand-Enzyme Conjugates and Bifunctional Liposomes: Theory and Experiment, Biotechnology Progress, 12, 519-526.
122. 1996 K. Grosser, R.G. Carbonell, A. Cavero and A.E. Sáez,  Lateral Thermal Dispersion in Gas-Liquid Cocurrent Downflow Through Packed Beds,  AIChE Journal, 42, 2977-2983.
123. 1996 S.P. Beaudoin, R.G. Carbonell and C.S. Grant, Phase Behavior, Contacting and Detergency in the C12E5-Abietic Acid-H2O System, J. Colloid and Interface Science, 182, 465-472.
124. 1996 J.A. Kabin, A.E. Sáez,  C.S. Grant, and R.G. Carbonell, Removal of Organic Films from Rotating Disks Using Aqueous Solutions of Nonionic Surfactants, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 35, 4494-4506.
125. 1997 P.K. Kilpatrick, J.F. Lisi and R.G. Carbonell, Selective Precipitation of Antibody with Ligand-Modified Phospholipids. Effect of Lipid Chain Length, Biotechnology Progress,13, 446-552.
126. 1997 S.A. Autry, R. Gandour-Edwards, J.E. Boggan, D.E. Mayhew, B.F. Edwards, D.A. Fisher, R. Munn, A. Moraes and R.G. Carbonell, Subcellular Localization of Neutron Capture Elements Using Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopic Imaging, in Advances in Neutron Capture Therapy, Volume II, Chemistry and Biology, B. Larsson, J. Crawford and R. Weinreich, Eds., Elsevier Science BV, 1997, pp. 347-353.
127. 1998 E.N. Hoggan, R.G. Carbonell, J.M. DeSimone, G.L. Cramer, and G.M. Stewart, Detergent-Aided Cleaning of Metal Surfaces in Liquid Carbon Dioxide, Proceedings of CleanTech ‘98, Rosemont, Illinois, Whitter Publishing Co., Flemington, NJ, pp. 137-146.
128. 1998 A.E. Sáez, M.A. Marquez, G.W. Roberts and R.G. Carbonell, Hydrodynamic Model for Gas-Lift Reactors, AIChE Journal, 44, 1413-1423.
129. 1998 J. Kabin, S.L. Tolstead, A.E. Sáez, C.S. Grant and R.G. Carbonell, Removal of Organic Films from Rotating Disks Using Aqueous Solutions of Nonionic Surfactants: Effect of Surfactant Molecular Structure, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 206, 102-111.
130. 1998 L.A. Chen, G.A. Serad and R.G. Carbonell, Effect of Mixing Conditions on Flocculation Kinetics of Wastewaters Containing Proteins and Other Biological Molecules Using Fibrous Materials and Polyelectrolytes, Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 15, 358-368.
131. 1998 K. Mondorf, D.B. Kaufman, and R.G. Carbonell, Screening of Combinatorial Peptide Libraries: Identification of Ligands for Affinity Purification of Proteins Using a Radiological Approach, Journal of Peptide Research, 6, 526-536.
132. 1999 S.L. Lucena, R.G. Carbonell and C.C. Santana, Peptide Affinity Chromatography Process for the Adsorption of Fibrinogen, Powder Technology, 101, 173-177.
133. 1999 M.A. Marquez, A.E. Sáez, R.G. Carbonell and G.W. Roberts, Coupling of Hydrodynamics and Chemical Reaction in a Gas Lift Reactor, AIChE Journal, 45, 410-423.
134. 1999 J.A. Kabin, A.E. Sáez, C.S. Grant and R.G. Carbonell, Removal Rates of Major and Trace Components of an Organic Film Using Aqueous Nonionic Surfactant Solutions, IEC Research, 38, 683-691.
135. 1999 M.A. Marquez, R.J. Amend, R.G. Carbonell, A.E. Sáez, and G.W. Roberts, Hydrodynamics of Gas-Lift Reactors with a Fast, Liquid-Phase Reaction, Chemical Engineering Science, 54, 2263-2271.
136. 1999 F. Henon, R.G. Carbonell, J. DeSimone, A. Burke, M. Camaiti, F. Piacenti, Supercritical Carbon Dioxide as a Solvent for Polymeric Stone Protective Materials, J. Supercritical Fluids, 15, 173-179.
137. 1999 P.Y. Huang and R.G. Carbonell, Affinity Chromatography Screening of Soluble Combinatorial Peptide Libraries, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 63, 633-641.
138. 1999 L.A. Chen, G.A. Serad and R.G. Carbonell, Recovery of Proteins and Other Biological Compounds Using Fibrous Materials I. Adsorption by Salt Addition, J. of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 74, 733-739.
139. 1999 L.A. Chen, G.A. Serad and R.G. Carbonell, Recovery of Proteins and Other Biological Compounds Using Fibrous Materials II. Flocculation by Polyelectrolyte Addition, J. of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology. 74, 740-750.
140. 1999 A.M. Moraes, M.H.A. Santana and R.G. Carbonell, Preparation and Characterization of Liposomal Systems Entrapping the Boronated Compound o-Carbaranylpropylamine, J. of Microencapsulation, 5, 647-664.
141. 2000 A. Chen, G.A. Serad and R.G. Carbonell, Recovery of Proteins and Other Biological Compounds From Food Processing Wastewaters Using Fibrous Materials and Polyelectrolytes, Water Research, 34, 510-518.
142. 2000 G.W. Roberts, R.G. Carbonell and A.E. Sáez, Gas-lift Reactors for Rapid Reactions with Appreciable Gas Consumption, Chemical Engineering and Technology, 23, 80-87.
143. 2000 D.B. Kaufman, T. Hayes, J. Buettner, G.A. Baumbach and R.G. Carbonell, Chromatographic Resolution of Tryptophan Enantiomers with L-Leu-L-Leu-Leu Peptide. Effects of Mobile Phase Composition and Chromatographic Support, J. of Chromatography A, 874, 21-26.
144. 2000 Anup K. Singh, Joseph S. Schoeniger, and Ruben G. Carbonell, Liposomes as Signal-Enhancing Agnes in Immunodiagnostic Applications, in Biosensors and Their Applications, Yang and Ngo, Eds, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York, 1999.
145. 2000 P.D. Bastek, J.M. Land, G.A. Baumbach, D.H. Hammond and R.G. Carbonell, Discovery of Alpha-1 Proteinase Inhibitor Binding Peptides from the Screening of a Solid Phase Combinatorial Peptide Library, Separation Science and Technology, 35 (11), 1681-1706.
146. 2000 J.A. Kabin, S.T. Withers, C.S. Grant, R.G. Carbonell and A.E. Sáez, Removal of Organic Films from Rotating Disks Using Emulsion Cleaners, J. of Colloid and Interface Science, 228, 344-358.
147. 2000 R.G. Carbonell, Multiphase Flow Models in Packed Beds, Oil and Gas Science and Technology, Revue de l’Institut Français du Pétrole, 55, 417-425.
148. 2000 D.K. Taylor, R.G. Carbonell and J.M. DeSimone, Opportunities for Pollution Prevention and Energy Efficiency Enabled by the Carbon Dioxide Technology Platform, Annual Review of Energy and the Environment, 25, 115-146.
149. 2000 P.V. Gurgel, R.G. Carbonell and H.E. Swaisgood, Fractionation of Whey Proteins with a Hexapeptide Ligand Affinity Resin, Bioseparation, 9, 385-392.
150. 2001 D. Martinache, J.R. Royer, S. Siripurapu, F.E. Hénon, J. Genzer, S. Khan and R.G. Carbonell, Processsing of Polyamide 11 with Supercritical Carbon Dioxide, I&EC Research, 40, 5570-5577.
151. 2001 P.V. Gurgel, R.G. Carbonell and H.E. Swaisgood, Identification of Peptide Ligands Generated by Combinatorial Peptide Chemistry that Bind a-Lactalbumin, Separation Science and Technology, 36, 2411-2431.
152. 2001 .V. Gurgel, R.G. Carbonell and H.E. Swaisgood, Studies of the Binding of a-Lactalbumin to Immobilized Peptide Ligands, J. of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 49, 5765-5770.
153. 2001 .A.M. Moraes, P.T.V. Rosa, M.H.A. Santana and R.G. Carbonell, Microparticulate Agents for Neutron Capture Therapy, in Microspheres, Microcapsules & Liposomes, Volume 3: Radiolabeled and Magnetic Particulates in Medicine and Biology, Citus Reference Series, R. Arshady, Ed., Citus Books, London
154. 2001 Y. Chernyak, F. Henon, R.B. Harris, R.D. Gould, R.K. Franklin, J.R. Edwards, J.M. DeSimone, and R.G. Carbonell, Formation of Perfluoropolyether Coatings by the Rapid Expansion of Supercritical Solutions (RESS) Process. Part 1: Experimental Results, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 40, 6118-6126.
155. 2001 R.K. Franklin, J.R. Edwards, Y. Chernyak, R.D. Gould, F. Henon and R.G. Carbonell, Formation of Perfluoropolyether Coatings by the Rapid Expansion of Supercritical Solutions (RESS) Process.  Part 2: Numerical Modeling, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 40, 6127-6139.
156. 2001 D.B. Kaufman, M.E. Hentsch, G.A. Baumbach, J.A. Buettner, C.A. Dadd, P.Y. Huang, D.J. Hammond and R.G. Carbonell, Affinity Purification of Fibrinogen Using a Ligand from a Peptide Library, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 77, 278-289.
157. 2002 A. Lakota, J. Levec and R.G. Carbonell, Hydrodynamics of Trickling Flow in Packed Beds: Relative Permeability Concept, AIChE Journal, 48, 731-738.
158. 2002 F.E. Henon, R.G. Carbonell and J. DeSimone, Effect of Polymer Coatings from CO2 on Water-Vapor Transport in Porous Media, AIChE Journal, 48, 941-952.
159. 2002 E.N. Hoggan, B.J. Novick, R.G. Carbonell and J. DeSimone, Novel Microelectronic Coatings Using Liquid CO2, Semiconductor Fabtech, 16th Edition, 169-173.
160. 2002 K. Efimenko, B. Novick, R.G. Carbonell, J. M. DeSimone and J. Genzer, Formation of Self-Assembled Monolayers of Fluorinated and Hydrocarbon Chlorsilane Precursors on Silica Surfaces from Liquid Carbon Dioxide, Langmuir, 18, 6170-6179.
161. 2003 D. Xu, R.G. Carbonell, D.J. Kiserow and G.W. Roberts, Kinetic and Transport Processes in the Heterogeneous Catalytic Hydrogenation of Polystyrene, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 42, 3509-3515.
162. 2003 R.G. Carbonell, The CO2 Technology Platform, in Challenges for the Chemical Sciences in the 21st Century: The Environment, National Research Council, The National Academies Press, Washington, D.C., 80-84.
163. 2003 Y. Chernyak, F. Henon, E. Hoggan, B. Novick, J.M. DeSimone and R.G. Carbonell, Coatings from Liquid and Supercritical Carbon Dioxide, Green Chemistry and Supercritical Carbon Dioxide, J.M. DeSimone and W. Tumas, Editors, Oxford University Press, New York, pp.193-214.
164. 2003 N. Zaki, P. K. Kilpatrick and R.G. Carbonell, A Novel Process for Demulsificaiton of Water-in-Crude-Oil Emulsions by Dense Carbon Dioxide, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 42, 6661-6672.
165. 2003 P.S. Shah, B.J. Novick, H.S. Hwang, K.T. Lim, R.G. Carbonell, K.P. Johnston and B.A. Korgel, Kinetics of Nonequilibrium Nanoscrystal Monolayer Formation: Deposition from Liquid Carbon Dioxide, Nanoletters, 3, 1671-1675.
166. 2003 M.M. Elbaccouch, V.I. Bondar, R.G. Carbonell and C. S. Grant, Phase Behavior of the Binary Systems CO2+Nonadecane and CO2 + Soysol and the Ternary System CO2 + Soysolve + Quarternary Ammonium Chloride Surfactant, J. Chem. Engr. Data, 48, 1401-1406
167. 2004 B. Novick, J. DeSimone and R.G. Carbonell, Deposition of Thin Polymeric Films from Liquid Carbon Dioxide Using a High-pressure Free-Meniscus Coating Process, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 43, 515-52.
168. 2004 E. Hoggan, K. Wang, D. Flowers, J. DeSimone and R.G. Carbonell, Spin Coating of Photoresists Using Liquid Carbon Dioxide, IEC Research, 43, 2113-2122.
169. 2004 G. Wang, J. De, D.C. Roe, J. Schoeniger, R.G. Carbonell, A Hexamer Peptide Ligand that Binds Selectively to Staphylococcal Enterotoxin B: Isolation from a Solid Phase Combinatorial Library, J. Peptide Research, 64(2,) 51-64.
170. 2004 E. Hoggan, K. Wang, J. DeSimone, and R.G. Carbonell, “Dry” Lithography Using Liquid and Supercritical CO2 Based Chemistries and Processes, IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, 17 (4), 510-517.
171. 2004 Jones, C.A., Geissler, A., DeYoung, J.P., McClain, J.B., Carbonell R.G. and DeSimone, J.M., Applications of “Dry” Processing in the Microelectronics Industry Using Carbon Dioxide, Critical Reviews in Solid State and Materials Sciences, 29, 970-109.
172. 2005 S. Cotugno, E. DiMaio, G. Mensitieri, S. Iannace, G.W. Roberts, R.G. Carbonell and H.B. Hopfenberg, Characterization of Microcellular Biodegradable Polymeric Foams Produced from Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Solutions, I&EC Research 44(6), 1795-1803.
173. 2005 G. Wang and R.G. Carbonell, Characterization of a Peptide Affinity Supports that Binds Selectively to Staphylococcal Enterotoxin B, J. Chromatography A, 1078, 98-112.
174. 2005 G. Wang, J. Salm, P.V. Gurgel and R.G. Carbonell, Small Peptide Ligands for Affinity Separations of Biological Molecules, in Chemical Engineering: Trends and Developments, M.A. Galan and E. Martin del Valle, Eds., J. Wiley & sons, Ltd., London, Chapter 3, pp. 63-83.
175. 2005 D. Xu, R.G. Carbonell, D.J. Kiserow and G.W. Roberts, Hydrogenation of Polystyrene in CO2-Expanded Solvents: Catalyst Poisoning, I&EC Research, 44(16), 6164-6170.
176. 2005 Visintin, P., Carbonell, R., Schauer, C.K. and J.M. DeSimone, Chemical Functionalization of Silica and Alumina Particles for Dispersion in Carbon Dioxide, Langmuir, 21, 4816-4823.
177. 2005 Xu, D., R.G. Carbonell, G.W. Roberts and D.J. Kiserow, Phase Equilibrium for the Hydrogenation of Polystyrene in CO2-Swollen Solvents, J. Supercrit. Fluids, 34, 1-9.
178. 2005 Carla, V., Wang, K. Hussain, Y., Grant, C., Sarti, G., Doghieri, F. and R.G. Carbonell, Nonequilibrium Model for Sorption and Swelling of Bulk Glassy Polymer Films with Supercritical Carbon Dioxide, Macromolecules, 38(24), 10299-10313.
179. 2006 Yang, H., P.V. Gurgel and R.G. Carbonell, Hexamer Peptide Affinity Resins that Bind the Fc Region of Human Immunoglobulin G, J. of Peptide Research, 66, 120-137, Supplement 1.
180. 2006 Zweber, A., Wagner, M. and R.G. Carbonell, Monitoring Photoresist Dissolution in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Using a Quartz Crystal Microbalance, Proceedings of the SPIE, Advances in Resist Technology and Processing XXIII, 6153, 61534C
181. 2006 Kim, J., B. J. Novick, J. M. DeSimone and R.G. Carbonell, Ultrathin Film Deposition by Liquid CO2 Free Meniscus Coating – Uniformity and Morphology, Langmuir, 22, 642-657.
182. 2006 Kim, J. and R.G. Carbonell, Deposition of Small Organic Molecules by the Displacement of Two Immiscible Supercritical Phases, Langmuir, 22, 2117-2129.
183. 2006 Heldt, C., R. Hernandez, U. Mudiganti, P.V. Gurgel, D.T. Brown and R.G. Carbonell, A Colorimetric Assay for Viral Agents that Produce Cytopathic Effects, J. Virological Methods, 135, 56-65.
184. 2006 Gregori, L., B.C. Lambert, P.V. Gurgel, L. Gheorghiu, P. Edwardson, J.T. Lathorp, C. MacAuley, R.G. Carbonell, S.J. Burton, D. Hammond and R.G. Rohwer, Reduction of Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy Infectivity from Human Red Blood Cells with Prion Protein Affinity Ligands, Transfusion, 46, 1152-1161.
185. 2006 Gregori, L., P.V.Gurgel, J.T. Lathrop, P. Edwardson, B.C. Lambert, R.G. Carbonell, S.J. Burton, D.J. Hammond and R.G. Rohwer, Reduction of the Endogenous TSE Infectivity Present in Blood By Adsorption to Selective Affinity Resins, The Lancet,  368, 2232-2236.
186. 2006 Wang, G. and R.G. Carbonell, Design of Adsorptive Columns for Specific Pathogen Removal: Application to Staphylococcal Enterotoxin B, Biotechnology Progress, 22, 1358-1367.
187. 2006 P.M. Visitin, S.K. Eichenlaub, L.E. Portnow, R.G. Carbonell, S.P. Beaudoin, C.K. Schauer, J.M. DeSimone, Studies on CO2-based Slurries and Fluorinated Silica and Alumina Particles for Chemical Mechanical Polishing of Copper Films, J. of Electrochemical Soc., 153(12), G1064-G1071.
188. 2007 J. Kim, K. Efimenko, J. Genzer and R.G. Carbonell, Surface Properties of Poly[2-(perfluorooctyl)ethyl acrylate] deposited from Liquid CO2 High-pressure Free Meniscus Coating, Macromolecules,  40,  588-597.
189. 2007 P.T.V. Rosa, C.C. Santana and R.G. Carbonell, Determination of the Liquid Pool Surfactant and Protein Concentration for Semi-Batch Foam Fractionation Columns, Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 24 (1), 1-14.
190. 2007 J. Kim and R.G. Carbonell, Deposition of poly[2-(perfluorooctyl)ethyl  acrylate] from Liquid CO2 High-pressure Free Meniscus Coating – Uniformity and Morphology, J. Supercritical  Fluids, 42(1): 129-141.
191. 2007 J. Kim, R.G. Carbonell, Deposition of Poly[2-(perfluorooctyl)ethyl acrylate] on Silicon Wafers by Displacement of Two Immiscible Supercritical Phases (DISP), J. of Supercritical  Fluids, 43, 139-149.
192. 2008 Tombokan, X., P.K. Kilpatrick and R.G. Carbonell, Three-Component Phase Behavior of the Sclareol-Ethyl Lactate-Carbon Dioxide System for GAS Applications, J. Supercritical Fluids, 45,  146-155.
193. 2008 Heldt, C., P.V. Gurgel, L.-A. Jaykus and R.G. Carbonell, Identification of Trimeric Peptides that Bind Porcine Parvovirus from Mixtures Containing Human Blood Plasma, Biotechnology Progress,  24,  554-560.
194. 2009 Yang, H.O., P.V. Gurgel and R.G. Carbonell, Purification of Human Immunoglobulin G via Fc-specific Small Peptide Ligand Affinity Chromatography, J. Chromatography A, 1216(6), 910-918.
195. 2009 del Valle, EMM, M.A., Galan, R.G. Carbonell, Drug Delivery Technologies: The Way Forward in the New Decade, I&EC Research, 48(5), 2475-2486.
196. 2009 Zweber, A., M. Wagner and R.G. Carbonell, Sorption of CO2 and a CO2 Compatible Substrate, J. Phys. Chem., in press.
197. 2009 Heldt, C.L., P.V. Gurgel, L-A. Jaykus and R.G. Carbonell, Influence of Peptide Ligand Surface Density and Ethylene Oxide Spacer Arm on the Capture of Porcine Parvovirus, Biotechnology Progress, in press.
198. 2009 Kim, J., D. Taylor, J. DeYoung, J. McClain, J. DeSimone and R.G. Carbonell, Deposition of Copper Particles and Films by the Diplacement of Two Immiscible Supercritical Phases and Subsequent Reaction, in press.
199. 2009 Zweber, A., M. Wagner and R.G. Carbonell, Mechanisms of UV Photoresist Development with Supercritical CO2 and a CO2 Compatible Salt (CCS), Langmuir, revised, under review.