CBE Hosts ASEE Summer School
Founded in 1893, the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) is “a nonprofit organization of individuals and institutions committed to furthering education in engineering and engineering technology.” Once every five years since 1931, the ASEE Chemical Engineering Division convenes its Summer School for Chemical Engineering Faculty, and NC State was the 2017 host.
From July 29th to August 3rd, CBE welcomed 174 attendees from academia and industry whose focus is to promote excellence and pertinence in the teaching of chemical engineering. The attendees are chemical engineering faculty members having 1-5 years of experience from 94 institutions of higher learning in the US and Canada.
A quick glance at the School Program reveals that over the past five years, Planning Committee members Professors Lisa Bullard’s and Matt Cooper’s programmatic goals included showcasing the Department and the NC State campus (EB1 and EB3, BTEC, the Hunt Library and the Talley Student Union).
Emeritus Professor Richard Felder and his wife, Rebecca Brent, conducted a day-long Teaching Institute. Professors Richard Spontak (Breathing Life and Relevance into Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics) and Phillip Westmoreland (Putting Chemistry in ChE Classes) were workshop presenters, and Professors Milad Abolhasani, Nathan Crook, Lilian Hsiao, Albert Keung, Adriana San Miguel, and Qingshan Wei were participants. Other faculty and staff members provided behind-the-scenes support and assistance. Alum Dr. Christina Tang (Ph.D. ’12) presented a poster and Alums Dr. Caryn Heldt (Ph.D. ’08) and Katherine McDanel (B.S. ’10) were among the workshop presenters.
The School was sponsored by the National Science Foundation, Chevron Corporation, ExxonMobil Corporation, and the International Paper Company.