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CBE Students Score Big at the AIChE Annual Meeting

CBE students won several awards and honors at the 2018 AIChE Annual Meeting in Pittsburg, PA…

Graduate student Vasudev Haribal, advised by Professor Fanxing Li, received awards for two poster presentations. He won:

  • The Catalysis and Reaction Engineering (CRE) Division Poster Award for his poster titled ‘Kinetics of Ethane Oxidative Dehydrogenation via Chemical Looping’. The Award included being selected as the best presenter in the division’s technical area of reaction engineering. Over 350 participants presented their work during the CRE Division poster session.
  • Third place in the Particle Technology Forum (PTF) Poster Session, for his work titled ‘Light Alkane Valorization to Ethylene via Chemical Looping Oxidative Dehydrogenation’.

Undergraduates Matthew Burroughs and Corwin Kerr, won awards in the undergraduate student poster competition.

Corwin’s poster, A Low-Cost Optical Velocity Meter for Multi-Phase Lab-on-a-Tube Devices, won 1st place in the General Chemical Engineering category. He’s advised by Dr. Milad Abolhasani.

Matthew’s poster, Combinatorial Screening of Yeast Displayed Libraries using Yeast Displayed Targets, won 2nd place in the Food, Pharmaceutical, and Biotechnology category. He’s advised by Dr. Balaji Rao.

The AIChE student chapter was selected to receive a 2017-2018 AIChE Outstanding Student Chapter Award. This is the chapter’s 23rd Outstanding Student Chapter Award (marking the 21st award in the past 22 years and 9th in a row).

Jayme Currie (Secretary), Joseph Holder (Industry Relations), Elton Luong (Vice-President), Rosalynn Phan (Industry Relations), Bradley Schmidt (Treasurer), and Lucas Wylie (President) are the chapter’s 2018-19 officers. The chapter advisor is Dr. Kim Roberts.

An article about the Chapter’s award can be accessed on the College of Engineering web site here.

Congratulations to the individual award winners and the AIChE members for your accomplishments!