For publication and links after 2017, go to or Prof. Westmoreland’s ORCID profile.
For publications prior to 1986 and for presentations, see ‘CV_Full_2019_0630. |
2017 |
Ternes, M. E., & Westmoreland, P. Chemical Engineering Progress 113:7, 16. (2017). The ChE in Context: Members Will Shape AIChE’s Climate Change Policy. | |
Westmoreland, P. R. Chemical Engineering Progress 113:4, 26. (2017). The ChE in Context: PAIC, The ChE’s Voice in and about Government. | |
Needham, C. D., & Westmoreland, P. R. Combustion and Flame 184, 176-185. (2017). Combustion and Flammability Chemistry for the Refrigerant HFO-1234yf (2,3,3,3-tetrafluroropropene). | |
Al-Nu’airat, J., Altarawneh, M., Gao, X., Westmoreland, P. R., & Dlugogorski, B. Z. Journal of Physical Chemistry. A, Molecules, Spectroscopy, Kinetics, Environment & General Theory. 121 (2017) 3199−3206. Reaction of Aniline with Singlet Oxygen (O21Δg). | |
Oluwoye, I., Dlugogorski, B. Z., Gore, J., Westmoreland, P. R., & Altarawneh, M. Fire Safety Journal 91 235-242. (2017). Enhanced ignition of biomass surrogate in presence of NOx. | |
Siddique, K., Altarawneh, M., Gore, J., Westmoreland, P. R., & Dlugogorski, B. Journal of Physical Chemistry. A, Molecules, Spectroscopy, Kinetics, Environment & General Theory 121:11, 2221-2231. (2017). Hydrogen Abstraction from Hydrocarbons by NH2. | |
Rodriguez, A., Herbinet, O., Wang, Z., Qi, F., Fittschen, C., Westmoreland, P. R., & Battin-Leclerc, F. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 36, 333-342 (2017). Measuring hydroperoxide chain-branching agents during n-pentane low-temperature oxidation. | |
2016 |
Seshadri, V., & Westmoreland, P. R. Catalysis Today. (2016). Roles of hydroxyls in the noncatalytic and catalyzed formation of levoglucosan from glucose. | |
Westmoreland, P. R., & Fahey, P. J. Chemical Engineering Transactions. (2016). Dehydration and dehydrogenation kinetics of OH groups in biomass pyrolysis. | |
2015 |
Yeates, D. R., Li, W., Westmoreland, P. R., Speight, W., Russi, T., Packard, A., & Frenklach, M. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. (2015). Integrated data-model analysis facilitated by an instrumental model. | |
2013 |
Labbe, N. J., Seshadri, V., Kasper, T., Hansen, N., Osswald, P., & Westmoreland, P. R. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. (2013). Flame chemistry of tetrahydropyran as a model heteroatomic biofuel. | |
Li, S. J., Davidson, D. F., Hanson, R. K., Labbe, N. J., Westmoreland, P. R., Osswald, P., & Kohse-Hoinghaus, K. Combustion and Flame. (2013). Shock tube measurements and model development for morpholine pyrolysis and oxidation at high pressures. | |
Cao, J., Meador, M. A., Baba, M. L., Ferreira, P. M., Madou, M., Scacchi, W., Spohrer, J. C., Teague, C., Westmoreland, P., & Zhang, X. Science Policy Reports. (2013). Implications: Societal collective outcomes, including manufacturing. | |
2012 |
Hansen, N., Miller, J. A., Klippenstein, S. J., Westmoreland, P. R., & Kohse-Hoinghaus, K. Combustion Explosion and Shock Waves. (2012). Exploring formation pathways of aromatic compounds in laboratory-based model flames of aliphatic fuels. | |
Seshadri, V., & Westmoreland, P. R. Journal of Physical Chemistry. A, Molecules, Spectroscopy, Kinetics, Environment & General Theory. (2012). Concerted reactions and mechanism of glucose pyrolysis and implications for cellulose kinetics. | |
2011 |
Hansen, N., Kasper, T., Yang, B., Cool, T. A., Li, W., Westmoreland, P. R., Osswald, P., & Kohse-Hoinghaus, K. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. (2011). Fuel-structure dependence of benzene formation processes in premixed flames fueled by C6H12 isomers. | |
Frassoldati, A., Faravelli, T., Ranzi, E., Kohse-Hoinghaus, K., & Westmoreland, P. R. Combustion and Flame. (2011). Kinetic modeling study of ethanol and dimethyl ether addition to premixed low-pressure propene-oxygen-argon flames. | |
Lucassen, A., Labbe, N., Westmoreland, P. R., & Kohse-Hoinghaus, K. Combustion and Flame. (2011). Combustion chemistry and fuel-nitrogen conversion in a laminar premixed flame of morpholine as a model biofuel. | |
Li, W. J., Law, M. E., Westmoreland, P. R., Kasper, T., Hansen, N., & Kohse-Hoinghaus, K. Combustion and Flame. (2011). Multiple benzene-formation paths in a fuel-rich cyclohexane flame. | |
Kasper, T., Lucassen, A., Jasper, A. W., Li, W. J., Westmoreland, P. R., Kohse-Hoinghaus, K., Yang, B., Wang, J., Cool, T. A., & Hansen, N. Zeitschrift fur Physikalische Chemie-International Journal of Research in Physical Chemistry & Chemical Physics. (2011). Identification of tetrahydrofuran reaction pathways in premixed flames. | |
Smith, K. D., Bruns, M., Stoliarov, S. I., Nyden, M. R., Ezekoye, O. A., & Westmoreland, P. R. Polymer. (2011). Assessing the effect of molecular weight on the kinetics of backbone scission reactions in polyethylene using Reactive Molecular Dynamics.. | |
Frassoldati, A., Faravelli, T., Ranzi, E., Kohse-Hoeinghaus, K., & Westmoreland, P. R. Combustion and Flame. (2011). Kinetic modeling study of ethanol and dimethyl ether addition to premixed low-pressure propene-oxygen-argon flames.. | |
Hansen, N., Kasper, T., Yang, B., Cool, T.A., Li, W., Westmoreland, P.R., Osswald, P., & Kohse-Hoinghaus, K. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. (2011). Fuel-structure dependence of benzene formation processes in premixed flames fueled by C6H12 isomers.. | |
2010 |
Kohse-Hoinghaus, K., Osswald, P., Cool, T. A., Kasper, T., Hansen, N., Qi, F., Westbrook, C. K., & Westmoreland, P. R. Angewandte Chemie [International Edition in English]. (2010). Biofuel combustion chemistry: From ethanol to biodiesel. | |
Hansen, N., Li, W., Law, M. E., Kasper, T., Westmoreland, P. R., Yang, B., Cool, T. A., & Lucassen, A. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. (2010). The importance of fuel dissociation and propargyl plus allyl association for the formation of benzene in a fuel-rich 1-hexene flame. | |
Hansen, N., Li, W., Law, M. E., Kasper, T., Westmoreland, P. R., Yang, B., Cool, T. A., & Lucassen, A. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. (2010). The importance of fuel dissociation and propargyl + allyl association for the formation of benzene in a fuel-rich 1-hexene flame. | |
Mosurkal, R., Tucci, V., Smith, K., Westmoreland, P.R., Parmar, V.S., Kumar, J., & Watterson, A. (2010). Novel organo-siloxane copolymers for flame retardant applications. | |
2009 |
Hansen, N., Miller, J. A., Westmoreland, P. R., Kasper, T., Kohse-Hoeinghaus, K., Wang, J., & Cool, T. A. Combustion and Flame. (2009). Isomer-specific combustion chemistry in allene and propyne flames. | |
Kasper, T., Osswald, P., Struckmeier, U., Kohse-Hoeinghaus, K., Taatjes, C. A., Wang, J., Cool, T. A., Law, M. E., Morel, A., & Westmoreland, P. R. Combustion and Flame. (2009). Combustion chemistry of the propanol isomers – investigated by electron ionization and VUV-photoionization molecular-beam mass spectrometry. | |
Huynh, L. K., Zhang, H. R., Zhang, S., Eddings, E., Sarofim, A., Law, M. E., Westmoreland, P. R., & Truong, T. N Journal of Physical Chemistry. A, Molecules, Spectroscopy, Kinetics, Environment & General Theory. (2009). Kinetics of enol formation from reaction of OH with propene. | |
Wang, J., Chaos, M., Yang, B., Cool, T. A., Dryer, F. L., Kasper, T., Hansen, N., Osswald, P., Kohse-Hoeinghaus, K., & Westmoreland, P. R. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. (2009). Composition of reaction intermediates for stoichiometric and fuel-rich dimethyl ether flames: Flame-sampling mass spectrometry and modeling studies.. | |
Hansen, N., Cool, T. A., Westmoreland, P. R., & Kohse-Hoeinghaus, K. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science. (2009). Recent contributions of flame-sampling molecular-beam mass spectrometry to a fundamental understanding of combustion chemistry. | |
Lin, Y.-C., Cho, J., Tompsett, G. A., Westmoreland, P. R., Huber, G. W. Journal of Physical Chemistry. C. (2009). Kinetics and mechanism of cellulose pyrolysis. | |
Westbrook, C. K., Pitz, W. J., Westmoreland, P. R., Dryer, F. L., Chaos, M., Osswald, P., Kohse-Hoinghaus, K., Cool, T. A., Wang, J., Yang, B., Hansen, N., & Kasper, T. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. (2009). A detailed chemical kinetic reaction mechanism for oxidation of four small alkyl esters in laminar premixed flames. | |
Hansen, N., Miller, J. A., Kasper, T., Kohse-Hoinghaus, K., Westmoreland, P. R., Wang, J., & Cool, T. A. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. (2009). Benzene formation in premixed fuel-rich 1,3-butadiene flames. | |
Lucassen, A., Osswald, P., Struckmeier, U., Kohse-Hoeinghaus, K., Kasper, T., Hansen, N., Cool, T. A., & Westmoreland, P. R. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. (2009). Species identification in a laminar premixed low-pressure flame of morpholine as a model substance for oxygenated nitrogen-containing fuels. | |
Westmoreland, Phillip R. Combustion and Flame. (2009). Professor Jack Benny Howard (1937?2008), Massachusetts Institute of Technolog. | |
2008 |
Wang, J., Struckmeier, U., Yang, B., Cool, T. A., Osswald, P., Kohse-Hoinghaus, K., Kasper, T., Hansen, N., & Westmoreland, P. R. Journal of Physical Chemistry. A, Molecules, Spectroscopy, Kinetics, Environment & General Theory. (2008). Isomer-specific influences on the composition of reaction intermediates in dimethyl ether/propene and ethanol/propene flame. | |
Ranganathan, T., Beaulieu, M., Zilberman, J., Smith, K. D., Westmoreland, P. R., Farris, R. J., Coughlin, E. B., & Emrick, T. Polymer Degradation and Stability. (2008). Thermal degradation of deoxybenzoin polymers studied by pyrolysis-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. | |
Taatjes, C. A., Hansen, N., Osborn, D. L., Kohse-Hoeinghaus, K., Cool, T. A., & Westmoreland, P. R. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. (2008). “Imaging” combustion chemistry via multiplexed synchrotron-photoionization mass spectrometry. | |
Hansen, N., Klippenstein, S. J., Westmoreland, P. R., Kasper, T., Kohse-Hoeinghaus, K., Wang, J., & Cool, T. A Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. (2008). A combined ab initio and photoionization mass spectrometric study of polyynes in fuel-rich flames. | |
Westmoreland, P. R. Chemical Engineering Progress . (2008). Chemical engineering in the next 25 years. | |
Pandey, M. K., Chandekar, A., Tyagi, R., Parmar, V. S., Tucci, V. B., Smith, K. D., Westmoreland, P. R., Mosurkal, R., Kumar, J., & Watterson, A. C. Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part A: Pure and Applied Chemistry. (2008). Design and lipase catalyzed synthesis of 4-methylcoumarin-siloxane hybrid copolymers. | |
Mosurkal, R., Samuelson, L. A., Smith, K. D., Westmoreland, P. R., Parmar, V. S., Yan, F., Kumar, J., & Watterson, A. C. Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part A: Pure and Applied Chemistry. (2008). Nanocomposites of TiO2 and siloxane copolymers as environmentally safe flame-retardant materials. | |
2007 |
Osswald, P., Struckmeier, U., Kasper, T., Kohse-Hoeinghaus, K., Wang, J., Cool, T. A., Hansen, N., & Westmoreland, P. R. Journal of Physical Chemistry. A, Molecules, Spectroscopy, Kinetics, Environment & General Theory. (2007). Isomer-specific fuel destruction pathways in rich flames of methyl acetate and ethyl formate and consequences for the combustion chemistry of esters. | |
Hansen, N., Kasper, T., Klippenstein, S. J., Westmoreland, P. R., Law, M. E., Taatjes, C. A., Kohse-Hoeinghaus, K., Wang, J., & Cool, T. A. Journal of Physical Chemistry. A, Molecules, Spectroscopy, Kinetics, Environment & General Theory. (2007). Initial steps of aromatic ring formation in a laminar premixed fuel-rich cyclopentene flame.. | |
Smith, K. D., Stoliarov, S. I., Nyden, M. R., & Westmoreland, P. R. Molecular Simulation. (2007). RMDff: A smoothly transitioning, forcefield-based representation of kinetics for reactive molecular dynamics simulations. | |
Law, M. E., Westmoreland, P. R., Cool, T. A., Wang, J., Hansen, N., Taatjes, C. A., & Kasper, T. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. (2007). Benzene precursors and formation routes in a stoichiometric cyclohexane flame.. | |
Cool, T. A., Wang, J., Hansen, N., Westmoreland, P. R., Dryer, F. L., Zhao, Z., Kazakov, A., Kasper, T., & Kohse-Hoeinghaus, K. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. (2007). Photoionization mass spectrometry and modeling studies of the chemistry of fuel-rich dimethyl ether flames. | |
Kohse-Hoeinghaus, K., Osswald, P., Struckmeier, U., Kasper, T., Hansen, N., Taatjes, C. A., Wang, J., Cool, T. A., Gon, S., & Westmoreland, P. R. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. (2007). The influence of ethanol addition on premixed fuel-rich propene-oxygen-argon flames.. | |
Hansen, N., Miller, J. A., Taatjes, C. A., Wang, J., Cool, T. A., Law, M. E., & Westmoreland, P. R. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. (2007). Photoionization mass spectrometric studies and modeling of fuel-rich allene and propyne flames.. | |
2006 |
Hansen, N., Klippenstein, S. J., Miller, J. A., Wang, J., Cool, T. A., Law, M. E., Westmoreland, P. R., Kasper, T., & Kohse-Hoeinghaus, K. Journal of Physical Chemistry. A, Molecules, Spectroscopy, Kinetics, Environment & General Theory. (2006). Identification of C5Hx isomers in fuel-rich flames by photoionization mass spectrometry and electronic structure calculation. | |
Hansen, N., Klippenstein, S. J., Taatjes, C. A., Miller, J. A., Wang, J., Cool, T. A., Yang, B., Yang, R., Wei, L., Huang, C., Wang, J., Qi, F., Law, M. E., & Westmoreland, P. R. Journal of Physical Chemistry. A, Molecules, Spectroscopy, Kinetics, Environment & General Theory. (2006). Identification and chemistry of C4H3 and C4H5 isomers in fuel-rich flames. | |
Taatjes, C. A., Hansen, N., Miller, J. A., Cool, T. A., Wang, J., Westmoreland, P. R., Law, M. E., Kasper, T., & Kohse-Hoeinghaus, K. Journal of Physical Chemistry. A, Molecules, Spectroscopy, Kinetics, Environment & General Theory. (2006). Combustion chemistry of enols: Possible ethenol precursors in flames. | |
Stoliarov, S. I., Westmoreland, P. R., Zhang, H., Lyon, R. E., & Nyden, M. R. ACS Symposium Series. (2006). Molecular modeling of the thermal decomposition of polymers. | |
2005 |
Cool, T. A., McIlroy, A., Qi, F., Westmoreland, P. R., Poisson, L., Peterka, D. S., & Ahmed, M. Review of Scientific Instruments. (2005). Photoionization mass spectrometer for studies of flame chemistry with a synchrotron light source. | |
Taatjes, C. A., Hansen, N., McIlroy, A., Miller, J. A., Senosiain, J. P., Klippenstein, S. J., Qi, F., Sheng, L., Zhang, Y., Cool, T. A., Wang, J., Westmoreland, P. R., Law, M. E., Kasper, T., & Kohse-Hoeinghaus, K Science. (2005). Enols Are Common Intermediates in Hydrocarbon Oxidation. | |
Ruscic, B., Boggs, J. E., Burcat, A., Csaszar, A. G., Demaison, J., Janoschek, R., Martin, J. M. L., Morton, M. L., Rossi, M. J., Stanton, J. F., Szalay, P. G., Westmoreland, P. R., Zabel, F., & Berces, T. Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data. (2005). IUPAC critical evaluation of thermochemical properties of selected radicals. Part I. | |
Taatjes, C. A., Klippenstein, S. J., Hansen, N., Miller, J. A., Cool, T. A., Wang, J., Law, M. E., & Westmoreland, P. R. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. (2005). Synchrotron photoionization measurements of combustion intermediates: Photoionization efficiency and identification of C3H2 isomers. | |
Cool, T. A., Nakajima, K., Taatjes, C. A., McIlroy, A., Westmoreland, P. R., Law, M. E., & Morel, A. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. (2005). Studies of a fuel-rich propane flame with photoionization mass spectrometry. | |
Law, M. E., Carriere, T., & Westmoreland, P. R. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. (2005). Allene addition to a fuel-lean ethylene flat flame. | |
Law, M. E., Westmoreland, P. R., Cool, T. A., Wang, J., Hansen, N., Taatjes, C. A., & Kasper, T. Chemical and Physical Processes in Combustion. (2005). Insights into a premixed stoichiometric cyclohexane flame. | |
Westmoreland, P. R., Law, M. E., Gon, S., Cool, T. A., Wang, J., McIlroy, A., Taatjes, C. A., Hansen, N., Qi, F., Kasper, T., Kohse-Hoeinghaus, K., Ahmed, M., Peterka, D. S., & Poisson, L. Chemical and Physical Processes in Combustion. (2005). Recent advances in flame-sampling molecular-beam mass spectrometry. | |
Law, M. E., Gon, S., Westmoreland, P. R., Cool, T. A., Wang, J., Hansen, N., & Taatjes, C. A. Chemical and Physical Processes in Combustion. (2005). 1,5-Hexadiyne and fulvene presence in premixed allene and propyne flames. | |
Gon, S., Law, M. E., Westmoreland, P. R., Cool, T. A., Wang, J., Hansen, N., Taatjes, C. A., Kasper, T., & Obwald, P. Chemical and Physical Processes in Combustion. (2005). Identification of species and separation of isomers in a premixed fuel-rich cyclohexane flame. | |
2004 |
Kumar, R., Tyagi, R., Parmar, V. S., Samuelson, L. A., Kumar, J., Schoemann, A., Westmoreland, P. R., & Watterson, A. C. Advanced Materials. (2004). Biocatalytic synthesis of highly flame retardant inorganic-organic hybrid polymers. | |
Nyden, M. R., Stoliarov, S. I., Westmoreland, P. R., Guo, Z. X., & Jee, C. Materials Science & Engineering. A, Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructure and Processing. (2004). Applications of reactive molecular dynamics to the study of the thermal decomposition of polymers and nanoscale structures. | |
2003 |
Malone, M. F., Westmoreland, P. R., & Doherty, M. F. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. (2003). In Honor of James M. Douglas. | |
Cool, T. A., Nakajima, K., Mostefaoui, T. A., Qi, F., McIlroy, A., Westmoreland, P. R., Law, M. E., Poisson, L., Peterka, D.S., & Ahmed, M. Journal of Chemical Physics. (2003). Selective detection of isomers with photoionization mass spectrometry for studies of hydrocarbon flame chemistry. | |
Stoliarov, S. I., & Westmoreland, P. R. Polymer. (2003). Mechanism of the thermal decomposition of bisphenol C polycarbonate: nature of its fire resistance. | |
Zhang, H., Farris, R. J., & Westmoreland, P. R. Macromolecules. (2003). Low flammability and thermal decomposition behavior of poly(3,3”-dihydroxybiphenylisophthalamide) and its derivatives. | |
Morel, A., Law, M. E., Westmoreland, P. R., Cool, T. A., Nakajima, K., Mostefaoui, T. A., Qi, F., McIlroy, A., Poisson, L., & Peterka, D. S. Chemical and Physical Processes in Combustion. (2003). Selective detection of isomers using a new photoionization MBMS apparatus. | |
Law, M. E., Morel, A., Westmoreland, P. R., Cool, T. A., & Taatjes, C. Chemical and Physical Processes in Combustion. (2003). Selective detection of C3H4 and C6H6 isomers in flames. | |
Schoemann, A., Westmoreland, P. R., Farris, R. J., Kumar, R., Watterson, A. C., & Samuelson, L. Chemical and Physical Processes in Combustion. (2003). New fire-safe polysiloxane polymers. | |
Westmoreland, P. R., Zhang, H., Schoemann, A., Inguilizian, T., & Farris, R. J. Chemical and Physical Processes in Combustion. (2003). Developing fire-safe polymers using milligram-scale test methods. | |
2002 |
Zhang, H., Westmoreland, P. R., Farris, R. J., Coughlin, E. B., Plichta, A., & Brzozowski, Z. K. Polymer. (2002). Thermal decomposition and flammability of fire-resistant, UV/visible-sensitive polyarylates, copolymers and blend. | |
Stoliarov, S. I., Westmoreland, P. R., Nyden, M. R., & Forney, G. P. Polymer. (2002). A reactive molecular dynamics model of thermal decomposition in polymers: I. Poly(methyl methacrylate). | |
2001 |
Westmoreland, P. R., Inguilizian, T., & Rotem, K. Thermochimica Acta. (2001). Flammability kinetics from TGA/DSC/GCMS, microcalorimetry and computational quantum chemistry. | |
Law, M. E., Carriere, T., & Westmoreland, P. R. Chemical and Physical Processes in Combustion. (2001). New insights into fuel-lean ethylene flames. | |
1998 |
Bhargava, A., & Westmoreland, P. R. Combustion and Flame. (1998). MBMS analysis of a fuel-lean ethylene flame. | |
Linteris, G. T., Burgess, D. R., Jr., Babushok, V., Zachariah, M., Tsang, W., & Westmoreland, P. R. Combustion and Flame. (1998). Inhibition of premixed methane-air flames by fluoroethanes and fluoropropanes. | |
Bhargava, A., & Westmoreland, P. R. Combustion and Flame. (1998). Measured flame structure and kinetics in a fuel-rich ethylene flame. | |
1997 |
Bui, P.-A., Vlachos, D. G., & Westmoreland, P. R. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. (1997). Modeling ignition of catalytic reactors with detailed surface kinetics and transport: oxidation of H2/air mixtures over platinum surfaces. | |
Bui, P.-A., Vlachos, D. G., & Westmoreland, P. R. Surface Science. (1997). Catalytic ignition of methane/oxygen mixtures over platinum surfaces: comparison of detailed simulations and experiments. | |
Bui, P. A., Wilder, E. A., Vlachos, D. G., & Westmoreland, P. R. Combustion Science and Technology. (1997). Hierarchical reduced models for catalytic combustion. H2/air mixtures near platinum surfaces. | |
Bui, P.-A., Vlachos, D. G., & Westmoreland, P. R. Chemical and Physical Processes in Combustion. (1997). Self-sustained oscillations in distributed flames modeled with detailed chemistry. | |
Bhargava, A., & Westmoreland, P. R. Chemical and Physical Processes in Combustion. (1997). C2H4 + H and C2H4 + OH chemistry measured in laminar, premixed flat flames. | |
1996 |
Burgess, D. R., Jr., Zachariah, M. R., Tsang, W., & Westmoreland, P. R. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science. (1996). Thermochemical and chemical kinetic data for fluorinated hydrocarbons. | |
Zachariah, M. R., Westmoreland, P. R., Burgess, D. R. F., Jr., Tsang, W., & Melius, C. F. Journal of Physical Chemistry (Easton, Pa.). (1996). BAC-MP4 Predictions of thermochemical data for C1 and C2 stable and radical hydrofluorocarbons and oxidized hydrofluorocarbons. | |
Bhargava, A., & Westmoreland, P. R. Chemical and Physical Processes in Combustion. (1996). MBMS analysis of a fuel-lean ethylene flame. | |
Oulundsen, G. E., & Westmoreland, P. R. Chemical and Physical Processes in Combustion. (1996). Initial measurements from reacting flows of hydrocarbons with chlorine. | |
1995 |
Westmoreland, P. R., & Cox, K. R. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. (1995). Symposium on computational chemistry and its industrial applications. | |
Zachariah, M. R., Tsang, W., Westmoreland, P. R., & Burgess, D. R. F., Jr. Journal of Physical Chemistry (Easton, Pa.). (1995). Theoretical prediction of the thermochemistry and kinetics of reactions of CF2O with hydrogen atom and water. | |
Bui, P. A., Vlachos, D. G., & Westmoreland, P. R. Chemical and Physical Processes in Combustion. (1995). Inhibition of homogeneous ignition by a catalytic surface. | |
Tanoff, M. A., Dobbins, R. R., Smooke, M. D., Burgess, D. R. F. Jr., Zachariah, M. R., Tsang, W., & Westmoreland, P. R. Chemical and Physical Processes in Combustion. (1995). C1 Fluoro- and hydrofluorocarbon effects on the extinction characteristics of methane vs. air counterflow diffusion flames. | |
Peterson, J. W., & Westmoreland, P. R. Chemical and Physical Processes in Combustion. (1995). Time-dependent solutions of the master equation for chemically activated reactions.. | |
1994 |
Westmoreland, P. R. AIChE Journal. (1994). Reduced Kinetic Mechanisms for applications in combustion systems by N. Peters and B. Rogg. | |
Westmoreland, P. R., & Hennessey, D. J. Chemical and Physical Processes in Combustion. (1994). On the kinetics of vinyl + O2. | |
1992 |
Westmoreland, P. R. Combustion Science and Technology. (1992). Thermochemistry and kinetics of vinyl + oxygen reactions. | |
1990 |
Communal, F., & Westmoreland, P. R. Chemical and Physical Processes in Combustion. (1990). Predicted kinetics for silylene + oxygen: association with multiple isomerization. | |
1989 |
Westmoreland, P. R., Dean, A. M., Howard, J. B., & Longwell, J. P. Journal of Physical Chemistry (Easton, Pa.). (1989). Forming benzene in flames by chemically activated isomerization. | |
Thomas, S. D., & Westmoreland, P. R. Chemical and Physical Processes in Combustion. (1989). Testing predictions of C2-4 species in a fuel-rich acetylene flame. | |
Westmoreland, P. R. Chemical and Physical Processes in Combustion. (1989). On the kinetics and thermodynamics of C4H5 isomers. | |
1988 |
Garo, A., Westmoreland, P. R., Howard, J. B., & Longwell, J. P. Combustion and Flame. (1988). Analysis of fuel-lean combustion using chemical mechanisms. | |
Westmoreland, P. R. Chemical and Physical Processes in Combustion. (1988). The importance of obvious and disguised association reactions in combustion. | |
1987 |
Dean, A. M., & Westmoreland, P. R. International Journal of Chemical Kinetics. (1987). Bimolecular QRRK analysis of methyl radical reactions. | |
1986 |
Westmoreland, P. R., Howard, J. B., Longwell, J. P., & Dean, A. M. AIChE Journal. (1986). Prediction of rate constants for combustion and pyrolysis reactions by bimolecular QRRK. |