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Faculty and students in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering have been widely recognized for their success.

Highly Decorated

Faculty in the department have received a breadth of prestigious awards. In 2011, Phillip Westmoreland was elected to serve the American Institute of Chemical Engineers in three linked capacities: president-elect (2012), president (2013), and past president (2014). Four faculty are members of the National Academy of Engineering: Ruben Carbonell, 2014; Joseph DeSimone, 2005; Keith Gubbins, 1989; and Carol Hall, 2005, as were three deceased faculty members: Warren L. McCabe, 1977; Alan S. Michaels, 1979; and Vivian T. Stannett, 1995. Joe DeSimone is also a member of the National Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Medicine. Very few people have ever been members of both Academies and the Institute.

Faculty Awards and Honors

Other Awards and Honors