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Spring Graduation

Spring 2024 CBE Graduation Ceremony
Saturday, May 4, 2024 - 6 PM - Talley Student Union, State Ballroom

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Graduation Photos


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Graduation will NOT require tickets for guests.

The CBE Department Graduation Ceremony will NOT require tickets for entry of family and friends to attend the ceremony.

Students have RSVP’d to let the coordinators know how many guests they plan to bring, and there should be enough seats for everyone. However, we recommend arriving to Talley Student Union early to secure your seat as it is a first-come-first-serve basis.

The University Commencement does not require tickets for guests. Seating is on a first-come-first-serve basis.

TWO Graduation Ceremonies

The University Commencement and CBE Department Graduation.

University Commencement: Saturday, May 4, 2024 at 9 am. in PNC Arena.
(The Commencement ceremony should end no later than 11:30 am)

  • This link includes information on the Commencement including schedule of events, student checklist, dates and deadlines, and FAQs.
  • The ceremony will be live-streamed via and the NC State Facebook Page.
  • All graduates, guests, faculty, participants, and staff in attendance will be required to adhere to the PNC Bag Policy.

CBE Department Graduation: Saturday, May 4, 2024 at 6 pm. in Talley Student Union.
(Duration of ceremony will be approximately 90 minutes)

  • The ceremony will be live-streamed
  • Guest Speaker: Sharene Pierce, Vice President and Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer – Duke Energy

Instructions for CBE Graduation Ceremony

Doors open at 5:00 pm for guests.

Students should arrive early to participate in the group photo at 5:20 pm around the seal on the 2nd floor of Talley Student Union. A professional photographer will take the group photo, which will be made available to students after the weekend.

After the group photo, students should check in at in Room 4280 by 5:30 pm. Students will line up alphabetically by last name (BS, then MS, then PhD) along the 4th floor of Talley.

The ceremony will begin promptly at 6:00 pm. The order of the processional will be: (alphabetically by last name according to the program provided at the ceremony)

  1. Undergraduates
  2. M.S.
  3. Ph.D.**

**Ph.D.’s will receive their hood during the ceremony from their advisor or a member of their Ph.D. committee. However, they must purchase the hood ahead of time.

Feel free to take pictures, but please be aware that a professional photographer will take an individual photo of each graduate shaking Dr. Sindee Simon’s hand during the ceremony. These photos will be made available to students after the weekend.

Parking & Directions

  • For University Commencement: PNC Arena
  • For CBE Graduation Ceremony: Talley Student Union
  • For those needing accommodations, we suggest you use the circle drive on the Reynolds Coliseum side of Talley Student Union to drop off guests close to the Talley elevator. There is no specific handicapped seating in the State Ballroom, but there will be Talley staff present to assist if chairs need to be shifted to accommodate wheelchairs or other assistive devices.

Student Regalia

  • Regalia should be worn by all graduates.
  • Academic honors for BS graduates (cum laude, magna cum laude, summa cum laude) are designated based on a student’s cumulative GPA when entering their final semester. This is what the printed program will reflect. If final grades are submitted in time and your honors designation changes, you can swap out your stole at the NCSU Bookstore. When checking in for the ceremony, you can update your honors status for the person reading out the names so the correct designation is used.
  • Click here for information: Student Regalia
    • The link above describes the different regalia and who wears what.
    • Pricing and links to purchase are listed on the webpage.

Diploma Distribution

Fall (December) graduates: Final clearance for candidates other than Doctoral is early June. All diplomas will be mailed to the address the student listed as their “Diploma or Home/Mailing address” in their MyPack Portal by early July.

For additional information see Student Services Center page for Diploma Distribution.

To update your address, scroll to the bottom of this webpage.

Defer graduation walk: Students can defer to the Fall ceremony by NOT going to the Spring ceremony and notifying the undergraduate or graduate director of your intention to participate in the Fall ceremony.