Recent Posts

Article on Microplastics Project

Dr. Velev and other professors in our department were recently interviewed for their newly funded project! This new project is a collaboration between Dr. Velev,...

Dr. Velev’s Lesson on Active Colloids

For our September 30th group meeting, the Velev Group received another virtual lesson from Dr. Velev! This time, we got a review of responsive and...

Successful Schoenborn Symposium!

This year, the CBE department made the decision to switch the annual Schoenborn Graduate Research Symposium to the Fall semesters, starting with this semester. That...

Prof Velev gives virtual lecture to group

At our most recent group meeting, Dr. Velev gave us a lesson through Zoom on nanocoatings. In addition to reviewing the fundamentals and basics in...

Press on microfluidic device for sweat

With the release of their new article, “Principles of long-term fluids handling in paper-based wearables with capillary–evaporative transport,” our group members have garnered attention and...

Getting back to research!

With NC State’s Phase 1 of getting back to work, the Velev Lab will be resuming research in the lab, but it is going to...