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Velev Group at City Club

The Velev group helped up wrap up graduate recruiting with the final event this past Saturday at Raleigh’s City Club. We enjoyed talking to the...

Velev Group Research Poster 2019

As we prepared to help recruit new graduate students for our department, the Velev group updated our group poster. Please click the link below to...

Koohee is 2018 Outstanding PhD Graduate

Our former group member Dr. Koohee Han was selected for the 2018 James K. Ferrell Outstanding Ph.D. Graduate Award! Dr. Hubert Winston, along with other...

Press Release for Latest Publication!

The most recent publication from our research group, titled “3D-Printed Silicone Soft Architectures with Programmed Magneto-Capillary Reconfiguration,” has gathered some well deserved attention in the...

Group meeting with guest talks

The Velev group has routine group meetings where we either practice for conference talks or present our latest research, but we had a special treat...

Holiday Dinner with Dr. Stoyanov

On December 2nd, the Velev Research Group had our annual holiday dinner at Dr. Velev’s house! Although two of our current graduate members were missing...